Support Stamp Out Hunger: Leave Food Donations by Your Mailbox Today!

Team up with your letter carrier to help Stamp Out Hunger! Donating to this food drive is so easy! 

girls donating food to a letter carrier

Participate in the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on May 11th!

Today, May 11th, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) is holding its annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive where the country’s letter carriers will collect non-perishable food as they deliver the mail.

To participate, just leave non-perishable food items near your mailbox. All food donations will stay in the local community, going directly to nearby food banks, pantries, shelters, and churches.

Postal Worker with Food Donations for the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive

Donating to this nationwide food drive is SO simple!

Your donations will help provide assistance to more than 10,000 food agencies, and the need for donations is greater than ever. Fortunately, your mail carrier will make it easy to participate!

Postal customers can simply leave donations next to their mailbox today, May 11th only, before their regular mail delivery and your mail carrier will do the rest!

The NALC is seeking non-perishable foods such as canned soups, canned vegetables, canned meats and fish, pasta, rice, and/or cereal. People are encouraged to put their donations in a sturdy bag for pick-up.

hand holding a bag filled with food donations next to a mail box for the stamp out hunger food drive

About the NALC’s Stamp Out Hunger food drive…

First held in 1983, Stamp Out Hunger is the country’s largest one-day food drive. In the 30 years since it began, this food drive has collected nearly two billion pounds of food. Stamp Out Hunger feeds millions of Americans every year!

Stamp Out Hunger is held annually on the second Saturday of May in thousands of cities and towns in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.

postal worker standing behind a mail carrying truck full of stamp out hunger food drive donations

The timing of the Stamp Out Hunger event is intentional, as food banks, pantries, and shelters often run low on donations following the winter holidays. With summer approaching, many school meal programs will soon pause as well.

To learn more about the NALC in your area, you can ask your letter carrier, contact your local post office, or visit the food drive’s website, Stamp Out Hunger Facebook page, or Stamp Out Hunger Twitter account.

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